The close up of the stitches is blurry, sorry, and the other picture is the lining I put in it. I line everything!! Plus I don't want my needles sticking out of it either. This is what it, the pouch started out as.
Just a bunch of white roving! And now its a cute sock pouch!! I must say I think my yarn is ok considering I just learned how to spin. Spinning yarn is so relaxing and so rewarding when you get something out of it. I cant wait till I am good enough to spin sock yarn!!! I love making socks and pocketbooks. Speaking of pocketbooks I finished my Noni purse and it is felted and drying on my desk. I made the pink, green and cream striped baguette! It was sooooo huge when I was done, and wouldn't you know I forgot to take a before pic!!! It was 28 inches long and very wide! But it did shrink down to 18 inches long, which I am thinking is still to big for me, but we will see. I love the pattern and the bag was super easy to do. I am going to let it dry, line it and put a zipper in and the cutest pink handles I found at M&J trim and then we shall see. Worse case I give it away. Any way that's about it for me, I have been very busy with work and teaching classes at That has to be the best yarn shop, no matter what you need its there. So to all happy knitting and crafting and Happy Easter too!!! I cant believe Easter is here already. I am having the family over here for Easter and have not gotten one thing yet!! Good thing its a small gathering LOL
Ok your ahead of me now! You've actually made something out of your homespun already! I love that color too,, so purty!
Kelly, you did an amazing job! I love your bag! The color is very pretty too!
That's amazing, Kelly! One day I may try to tackle learning to spin but I think I better hone my knitting skills first. :D
And I love the way your kool-aid dyed yarn looks- so vibrant!
Great job on the sock bag. It looks wonderful here and it looks even better in person!
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