Monday, July 13

Summer spinning

So yesterday a bunch of us from the Sunday knitting group met here at my house for some outdoor spinning/knitting and swimming. It was really quite nice, the weather was wonderful and we sat in the shade and just enjoyed it being summer. Then of course some of us went in the pool to cool off after working up a sweat LOL And of course we ate!! Jennifer brought some great corn dip and some outragous brownies, I have to get her recipes!! Liz made some wonderful bannana bread, so yummy!! And of course chips, cookies, cakes, fruits and nuts. Really it was alot of food. Anyway this is us in the backyard spinning/knitting and just having fun...

And of course there is Luke right in the middle to protect us all. What a sweetie he is. Yes all in all it was quite nice. But not all of us from the group were here, don't ask, so that was a bit of a bummer. But next time... Better planning and less confusion