Monday, April 27

Back to business

So now that my son is back home I can get back to business!! What do I mean by that, well lets see....
First off yard work, there is lots of it!! It seems like last year we really didnt do a lot. And then in August when my son left we did NOTHING. The bare minimum was done and that was it, you know just so it looked neat and tidy. But this year we are getting back to the business of making the yard look beautiful. We, hubby and I, always loved the yard and loved making it look beautiful. All my neighbors always commented how beautiful it was. Even my hubbys uncle who is a landscaper used to say our yard was something else!! So with lots of hard work, which we are doing ourselves, and patience it should all come together soon.
Also on the agenda is.... I am opening my ebay store finally and then my Etsy store too!!!. I have been wanting to do this for a while now. It will be hand-knit bags, hand-spun yarn, hand dyed yarn and sterling silver jewelry. I really need to get this moving. I have quite a few ideas rolling around in my head and just need to get them out and done.
Well I am off to get busy, lots to do!! And on top of it all I work 5 nights a week. So its a bit hectic right now but its all good.
Happy spring everyone!!!

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