Monday, July 13

Summer spinning

So yesterday a bunch of us from the Sunday knitting group met here at my house for some outdoor spinning/knitting and swimming. It was really quite nice, the weather was wonderful and we sat in the shade and just enjoyed it being summer. Then of course some of us went in the pool to cool off after working up a sweat LOL And of course we ate!! Jennifer brought some great corn dip and some outragous brownies, I have to get her recipes!! Liz made some wonderful bannana bread, so yummy!! And of course chips, cookies, cakes, fruits and nuts. Really it was alot of food. Anyway this is us in the backyard spinning/knitting and just having fun...

And of course there is Luke right in the middle to protect us all. What a sweetie he is. Yes all in all it was quite nice. But not all of us from the group were here, don't ask, so that was a bit of a bummer. But next time... Better planning and less confusion

Saturday, July 11

Wow over a month since my last post, shame on me!!! But I have been very busy this past month. I finished my Bristow sweater, done in my wildberry hand spun. Sorry no pics, have to get someone to take some, maybe tomorrow. And lots of spinning!!! I am doing the tour de fleece on Team Suck Less on Ravelry. Yesterday Lisa, aka TsockTsarina, and I spun our mile. At least I think mine is a mile, if not exactly the extremely close to it!! We spun for almost 9 hours, with breaks but still that's alot of spinning. But it was beautiful out and all in all an very nice day. The buddy system really is great, we kept each other going and entertained. That was when Luke, her cocker spaniel, wasn't entertaining us!! What a wonderful dog!! He is really a sweetie and very well behaved I might add. In fact here he is.... He was guarding the door way to the sun room so no one could get to Lisa and I. Namely my hubby, he was making sure no one disturbed us!!
He was so good all day, just watching us spin, must have been very boring for him. And here is my spinning for the day. Its a wool silk blend and it is about 44 wpi, that is the thinnest I have ever spun.
Over all I am quite happy with it. The colors are just like a peacocks tail feathers. I have a pound of this stuff soooo, I will be spinning for a while!! That is all for now, back to spinning. Oh and this is what I did for the beginning of the TDF
That is a mohair blend, not sure of the yardage or the wpi but that is 4 ply baby!!! Oh yes I am sucking less at spinning!!